vendredi, mai 14, 2010

Family Friday

9.30am Irani at Perangsang Templar Golf Club

Went to Perangsang Templar Golf Club to check out Irani's swimming lessons. She was so happy to see both Rudi and I at the swimming pool. She is today the only sister who can swim properly and looked so carefree in the water!

Here she is with best friend Intan!

10.30am Ilena and Ikesha at Wet Water World

The annual Wet Water Day with the Bomba is always a real treat for kids and parents alike. Ikesha just loved it! Ilena the veteran was in posing mode.

9.30pm French Immersion with Iman and Inas

Inas's comment said it all,"Inspiring..."
Yes the movie had all the ingredients that a good real life drama should - economical in language, great period costumes, strong characters, tragic romance. Audrey Tautou was enchanting.
I remember the first French movie I took Iman & Inas to several years ago which featured the debut of Audrey Tautou.

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